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Friday, March 30, 2012

Live Donor Donation: Kidney donated by Rabbi Chaim Soloveichik

I am proud to be friends with some of the family of the late Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik.
Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik was renowned for his kindness and sensitivity towards all human beings...especially towards people who in reality had problems or people who were just considered by society as lowly, poor, ill, downtrodden, handicapped, unusual, or just plain different.
To give only a very small vignette about his extreme righteousness and piety, a mentally disturbed woman once pushed Rabbi Soloveichik onto the NY Subway tracks in front of an oncoming train. Rabbi Soloveichik jumped out of the way and saved himself. But the story goes on. The disturbed woman fell onto the tracks as she was pushing Rabbi Soloveichik in front of the train. She was unable to get herself away from the oncoming train under her own power so Rabbi Soloveichik risked his life and also pulled this women who had just try to kill him to safety.
With such an illustrious lineage, I am not that surprised that Rabbi Chaim Soloveichik of Ramat Beit Shemesh,Israel, who is the youngest child of Rabbi Ahron Solloveichik, made an altruistically donated one of his kidneys to a women in need of a kidney a few weeks ago. A short article about it is found here.

I hope Rabbi Soloveichik and the women are both feeling well.


  1. I also donated a kidney last June to a 48 year mother of 6. I'd like to know how Rav S. found out about donating a kidney.
    Marci Rapp

  2. First of all, kol hakavod.!I hope both you and the recipient are doing well.
    AFAIK, someone from Ramat Beit Shemesh, where he lives, had a daughter who needed a kidney so that was the connection.
