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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Which Type of ESRD Treatment Modality Correlates with the Longest Life Expectancy (and intermediate and shortest, too)

Table 5.a

Adjusted survival probabilities, from day one, in the incident ESRD population. Y-axis percentage of ESRD population. X-axis is length of time of survival, in months.
I created the graph based on data of 5 year survival rates based on all types of dialysis combined; hemodialysis; peritoneal dialysis; and transplant. The data was taken fron  the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) Website from and

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Human Toll of Kidney Failure

While this blog tends to deal with macro issues related to ESRD/kidney failure it is important to keep in mind the truly devastating affect of kidney failure on the individuals suffering from kidney failure.

A brief vignette:
I am in contact with a ~60YO male suffering from ESRD who goes to dialysis 3 times a week to stay alive. He is extraordinarily depressed by his situation. He has practically no chance of getting a kidney transplant because of his advanced diabetes and emphysema. He also is basically blind. He is morose, forlorn, and morbid. He suffers terribly. His life expectancy is quite short (although hopefully he will continue to live for a long time) and his quality of life is atrocious.

It is important to keep in mind every individual in mind when making organ transplant allocation policy. Every action has a reaction.